- (479) 674-5616
- offices@cityoflavaca.com
About Our City Government
Lavaca is governed by a mayor/council form of government. The mayor, city council and recorder/treasurer are elected representatives of the citizens of Lavaca and act together as the governing body.
The Mayor is responsible for overseeing city departments and executing city policies. This includes assuring that all city services are delivered to the citizens in an efficient, effective and equitable manner. The Mayor serves as the primary outreach arm of the city government to other cities and government entities. The Mayor serves a four year term.
The City Council enacts ordinances and resolutions concerning municipal affairs that are consistent with state law in order to promote the health, safety and welfare of the public. The City Council has control of the city finances and all real and personal property to the city. The City Council members serve two year terms and must live within the ward they represent.
The Recorder/Treasurer is a record keeping officer of the city who maintains custody of city laws and ordinances. The Recorder/Treasurer also maintains and authenticates other city documents, as prescribed by state law. The Recorder/Treasurer serves a four year term.
Elected Officials

John Verkamp - City Attorney
John Verkamp - City Attorney
Top Level

Hugh Hardgrave
Hugh Hardgrave

Shelly Hockaday
Shelly Hockaday
City Council

Lorie Robertson
Lorie Robertson

Gerald Schaefer
Gerald Schaefer


Mike Ray
Mike Ray